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Brewery tanks (Refrigerated area)

As long as the temperature is controlled, you have nothing to worry about. Legacy's brewing or process tanks are designed to protect your product.  Made of 12 gauge 304 stainless steel with a food grade sanitary finish and with the proper headspace according to the type of tank, your product will be safe throughout the process.

Brite beer tanks

  • Although you can complete the fermentation and maturation process in a unitank, there are specific tanks for specific processes. Legacy's brite tanks (vertical) and lagering tanks (horizontal) are designed to give your beer a perfect cold crash and maturation. Delivering you a crystal clear, mature beer with the perfect level of carbonation in every batch.
  • Enchaquetado para control de temperatura en el cilindro y la tapa inferior, este tanque te permitirá tener control absoluto de la temperatura de tu cerveza terminada.
  • Brite tanks are fabricated with lower torispherical lid, and upper torispherical lid with 16" or 18" manway. Tanks are equipped with C.I.P. ball for cleaning (included) and 1.5" T.C. instrument port; three (3) 1.5" T.C. front ports for: sampling, temperature, and carbonation stone. It has 1" N.P.T. glycol inlets and outlets. The tank is designed to operate at 14.9PSI.

Fermentation vessels (Fermentation vessels).
3.5Bbl-90Bbl (400L-10,000L)

  • Fermentation tanks are the cornerstones of a good brewery. With a good quality, well-equipped cold area, you can make any type of beer. Fermentation tanks are designed with a conical bottom that aids in the flocculation and purging of yeast and proteins at the end of fermentation. Built to work under pressure (14.9PSI), Legacy fermenters can also be used as unitanks. The pressure hatch will allow you to pressurize the tank for maturation and carbonation if you choose to do so.

  • Jacketed for temperature control in the cylinder and bottom head, as well as on the cone, this tank will allow you to have absolute control of the temperature. The 60° cone will help you make an efficient yeast purge, leaving your beer clean.

Lagering tanks (Lagering tanks)

  • Legacy's lagering (horizontal) tanks are designed to give your beer a cold crash and perfect maturation. These stackable horizontal tanks are designed so that you can mature your beer for long periods of time, allowing it to evolve cold until it reaches the point that your palate will recognize as perfection, but without taking up too much space inside your plant.

  • Jacketed for temperature control in the cylinder and insulated in the lateral heads to avoid thermal losses, this tank will allow you to have absolute control of the temperature of your finished beer while it matures.

  • The lagering tanks are manufactured with torispherical heads and 16" or 18" front manway. Equipped with C.I.P. sprayball (included) and 1.5" T.C. instrument port; three (3) 1.5" T.C. front ports for: sampling, temperature, and carbonation stone. It has 1" N.P.T. glycol inlets and outlets. The tank is designed to operate at 14.9PSI.

Tanques sobre diseño

  • Not all beers are the same; not all breweries have the same process; not all brewers want the same equipment.  At Legacy we know that every brewer thinks and cooks differently; so we'd love to sit down and talk about your ideas for incorporating them into some of our equipment, or designing custom equipment for you. We're here to help.